We were made to be Courageous!

Look at this beautiful dog, please no petting working dog his harness said. I was traveling back from Texas earlier in the month when this little fella’s obedience and alert watch in service for his owner moved me to capture a photo as I waited in the airport. There was a hustle and bustle surrounding him and yet he was calm and attentive. He noticed his owner’s every move waiting to see what was needed of him next. The woman was listening to her phone’s voicemail messages. She was quite poised, standing unable to see, she filled her space just as any other traveler. Soon it was time to move on and off they went down the hall on to perhaps their connecting flight or final destination. They moved in sync and flawlessly. Complete trust and confidence. Navigating a sea of people they both exhibited a courageous ability which most of the other travelers barely noticed. I applauded this “team” in my spirit. Immediately thought of Joshua 1:9, “be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, for the Lord thy God will be with you wherever you go.” Am I that courageous? Are you?

We are now facing prudent public health moves. And the response is panic. Fear seems to be motivating so many behaviors. I just wanted to say we were made to be courageous! And maybe seeing this helper in the photo will remind us all that we can do it because we have been blessed with so much. In this moment of viewing such a fluid connection I am reminding myself I may not be able to see what is coming next but I can connect with the ONE who sees all as I move forward.

Two girls in the woods for ONE reminding ourselves to be courageous!

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SomeThing to think About


Driving home this afternoon I suddenly realized I was not paying attention to what I

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